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Step to the Stars

by Lester del Rey

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Paperback Library

Pub year: 1966

Cover price: 50¢


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Book detail for Step to the Stars

Cover tagline

Jim Stanley fought for his life in the empty, hungry depths of space — while Earth's fate hung in the balance.

Back cover text

Whoever was trying to destroy "Operation Big Shush" had to be stopped — or the enemy combine would enslave the world!

The operation was so secret only a handful of people knew about it. Suddenly the great capsule was hit by mysterious fires, strange accidents and security leaks.

The safety of the universe depended on the success of the project, yet somehow sinister forces has learned about it and were determined that the space station would not be completed. To Jim Stanley, the project was his life — and he was ready to risk it to see that the job was finished — and on time!

In the face of incredible personal danger and staggering odds against an unknown enemy, Jim braves the hazards of space to prevent "Operation Disaster"!

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Interior text

"Neatly plotted, carefully written, scientifically correct, Step to the Stars is excellent...."
— The New York Times

Jim Stanley was one of the handful of men chosen to breach the barriers of space in operation "Big Shush."

But before Jim could prove himself, the space station project — and his own life — faced fatal dangers. Through a mysterious "accident" Jim was plunged into the empty, hungry depths of space. Then a savage fire broke out which threatened to destroy the space station itself!

In Step to the Stars, Lester Del Rey, one of America's most distinguished and widely-read writers of science-fiction, has written a breathlessly exciting, vividly dramatic novel that is one step ahead of today's space-age headlines!