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The Lost Continent

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Cover artist: Frank Frazetta

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1963

Cover price: 60¢


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Cover tagline

They dared enter a forbidden hemisphere

Back cover text

The Lost Continent

For two hundred years, a civilized America had cut off all contact with the war-ruined Eastern Hemisphere until such places as Europe and Great Britain had become mere legends. Then Jefferson Turck dared take his U.S. aero-sub across the 30th Longitude West on the mission of a new Columbus — to rediscover England.

Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel of the future is one of his rarest and most exciting science-fiction novels — a thrilling adventure in THE LOST CONTINENT which has become the abode of wild beasts, savage tribes, and barbarian queens.

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Interior text

The secret of Lion Island

England a legend, Europe a myth, Asia a tale with which to frighten children. That was the world of the 22nd Century, where the United Americas was a fortress of civilization barricaded against any contact with the world beyond its bordering seas.

When Jefferson Turck crossed beyond the Thirtieth Meridian and found himself in the lost continent overseas, he became the first American to learn the startling truth about the legendary lands. For Grabritin was a jungle comparable with Darkest Africa, lions and all, and its queen was a barbaric forest chieftain.

THE LOST CONTINENT is the least known and most unusual novel that the creator of TARZAN ever wrote.