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Other Worlds, Other Times

Edited by Sam Moskowitz and Roger Elwood

Cover artist: Jack Faragasso

Publisher: MacFadden

Pub year: 1969

Cover price: 75¢


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Book detail for Other Worlds, Other Times

Cover tagline

A robot lover, a lonely child and a creature from a distant star — each had his own needs and would kill to satisfy them

Back cover text

When the enemy attacked the space garrison on Asteroid Y-3 their weapon was harmless ... yet more destructive than any ever conceived by man. The soldiers remained alive, unhurt, happy — and unwilling to fight, wanting only to lie gazing at the sun-like flowers.

The Earthmen's advance would soon come to a standstill unless something were done to turn them back into the highly trained conquering army they had been. But everyone sent to investigate — army officers, doctor, even psychiatrists — fell victim to the strange disease....

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Interior text

Great Tales of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Each by a Master Storyteller

Erle Stanley Gardner relates a classic saga of death and destruction as a modern Noah sails his ark to New Worlds.

Robert Bloch blends horror and humor in The Tin You Love to Touch, the supersonic love story of a robot and a human.

Theodore Sturgeon explores the chilling world of a lonely child whose monstrous fancies come true, in Shadow, Shadow, On the Wall.

Isaac Asimov shows how the blind homing instinct of a spaceman inspires progress, in Does a Bee Care?

For connoisseurs of science fiction here is something special — all these and many more of the very best works of all the best writers in the field, guaranteed to satisfy the most discriminating taste.