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The Shape of Things

Edited by Damon Knight

Cover artist: Eugene Berman

Publisher: Popular Library

Pub year: 1965

Cover price: 50¢


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Book detail for The Shape of Things

Cover tagline

Stories to dazzle the imagination

Back cover text

Other Beings, Other Worlds

— A young boy with all the answers, answers that spell doom for mankind...

— A man who suddenly finds himself in, of all places, the Garden of Eden...

— A strange race of beings who demand very special handling by Earth...

— An infant such as no one has ever seen before...

These are but a few of the creatures you will encounter in these superb stories of the weirdly fantastic, the definitely chilling — and the all-too-possibly real...

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Interior text

The weird world of the unexpected — a treasury of great science-fiction stories

Here, selected by world famous science-fiction authority Damon Knight, are stories by the finest imaginations of today. Each is designed to surprise you, dazzle you, and chill you to the very marrow of your bones...

The Shape of Things
Ray Bradbury

The Sky was Full of Ships
Theodore Sturgeon

A Child is Crying
John D. MacDonald

The Ambassadors
Anthony Boucher

The Box
James Blish

and many other memorable science-fiction triumphs