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Out of the Silent Planet

by C.S. Lewis

Cover artist: Everett Raymond Kinstler

Publisher: Avon

Pub year: 1949

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

At the summit of science fiction — "Fascinating adventure ... a masterpiece"
— Chicago Tribune

Back cover text

And then suddenly he saw it —

Only was it the moon? He had never seen anything like it — so white, so blinding, and so large. No moon could possibly be the size of the thing he was seeing...

"Weston! Weston!" he gasped to the strange, mysterious man who had drugged and kidnapped him for some unknown purpose. "What is it? It's not the moon, not that size! It can't be — can it?

"No," replied Weston calmly — "It's the Earth!"

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Interior text

Amazing new concepts in interplanetary adventure

Across millions of miles of space to the red planet Mars shot three strangely divided men...

What lay ahead their wildest imaginings could not conceive.

Nor would they have dared go on had they once fathomed that ultimate secret with which it is folly for men to tamper — and which the reader confronts at his own risk!