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The Caves of Steel

by Isaac Asimov

Cover artist: Ed Emshwiller

Publisher: Pyramid

Pub year: 1968

Cover price: 60¢


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Book detail for The Caves of Steel

Cover tagline

Sudden death — and the threat of the deadliest war in history — "will leave you breathless" — Galaxy

Back cover text

Isaac Asimov's tense novel of the far future depicts an age when eight billions crowd Earth's surface — when murderous tensions imperil the whole planet — and one human being and his unhuman partner fight to stave off disaster.

Galaxy magazine calls this distinguished story "a swift-paced, ingenious and meaningful exploration of our distant tomorrows."

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Interior text

Tomorrow's Cities

Eight hundred giant, self-sufficient Cities — average population ten million — shelter and feed Earth's eight billion people. Jammed, crowded, frustrated — but alive. And one man — plainclothesman Lije Baley — had the responsibility of seeing they stayed alive. He had a killer to catch — or the Outworld Space Fleets would blast and bomb in vengeance, until there were no Cities — and no people....