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The Robot Brains

by Sydney J. Bounds

Cover artist: Jack Faragasso

Publisher: MacFadden

Pub year: 1969

Cover price: 60¢


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Book detail for The Robot Brains

Cover tagline

Monster brains dominate the Earth and destroy man's only hope for survival

Back cover text

Brains without soul

Giant blonde creatures, they were as curvaceous as the bodies of their dwarf men were shriveled.

Captain Christian was the only human who'd ever laid eyes on them. And now he wished he hadn't. They were beauty without heart. Cruel, cold.

And he was their prisoner.

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Interior text

Decapitation at Cambridge!

The headless corpse of Professor Duval, latest victim of the maniac killer, was found early this morning. Duval, one of the world's foremost mathematicians, was said to have been working on a new theory of space-time continuum. It is feared that his papers have been lost.

Was this just another item in the London Times? Or a dire warning that, one by one, the world's leading scientists would be destroyed?

Someone, or something, was trying to reverse the tide of civilization. Trying to reduce man to nothingness.

The evil force had to be stopped — before the last headline the world might ever read was printed!