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The Forgotten Planet

by Murray Leinster

Cover artist: Robert E. Schultz

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1954

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for The Forgotten Planet

Cover tagline

Marooned on a world of monsters!

Back cover text

Part of Ace Double: Contraband Rocket

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Interior text

Nature's mislaid madhouse!

Beneath dense gray clouds through which no sun shone lay a forgotten planet. It was a nightmare world of grotesque and terrifying animal-plant life. Gigantic beetles, spiders, bugs and ants filled the putrid, musty earth — ready to kill and devour anything in sight.

There were men amidst this horror — men who cringed and ran from the ravening monsters and huddled in the mushroom forests at night.

Burl was one of these creatures. But one day inspiration hit Burl. He would find a weapon — he would fight back.

And with this idea the first step was taken in man's most desperate flight for freedom in this most horrible of all worlds. But it was only a first step.