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Lost in Space

by George O. Smith

Cover artist: Edward Valigursky

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1960

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

"Topnotch...Three star rating."
— Galaxy

Back cover text

Part of Ace Double: Earth's Last Fortress

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Interior text

A space-needle in a universe-wide haystack

Commodore Ted Wilson's intuition told him right! He should never have let his fiancĂ©e, Alice Hemingway, take off on Space Liner 79 — the flight that fate had singled out to change the destiny of the galaxy!

Once out in deep space the ship's engines failed and Alice found herself stranded in a tiny lifeship with two amorous men. Besides this, there was no way for Wilson to find them except by combing the light-years of all space for the tiny craft.

Unbeknown to all of them, the most terrible threat of all hovered nearby. Bizarre and powerful off-worlders were watching the rescue attempts — trying to decide whether humans should be annihilated in toto or simply subjugated to their superior culture.