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Vanguard from Alpha

by Brian Aldiss

Cover artist: Ed Emshwiller

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1959

Cover price: 35¢


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Cover tagline

Ultimatum from the nearest star

Back cover text

Part of Ace Double: The Changeling Worlds

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Interior text

Human time-bomb from the moon!

The spy team from Earth knew they were looking for trouble when they secretly landed in Luna Area 101 — dangerous Rosk territory. But the fearless trio got more than they bargained for at the hands of these hostile guests of Earth.

Tyne and Murray escaped with their lives. The third man was dead, and Tyne suspected that Murray had murdered him in cold blood.

Ready to confront him with his charge, Tyne discovered that Murray had disappeared somewhere in the banned area. But when he followed him, he discovered something vastly more dangerous than Murray's guilt or innocence — the Rosks threatened imminent invasion of Earth. And only Tyne now held the secret that could deflect their hordes of death.

Yet he dared trust no one with it — not even himself!

Cast of characters

Tyne Leslie
Were his captors his enemies? Or really his friends?

Murray Mumford
Everyone knew he was a spy; no one knew who for.

Benda Ittai
She was a woman of the Rosks, but her love was very human.

Ap II Dowl
Like any guest, he wanted to make himself at home.

Charles Dickens
He carried a famous name and an infamous secret.

Tawdell Co Barr
Did he represent the Rosks ... or misrepresent them?