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Prelude to Space

by Arthur C. Clarke

Cover artist: Richard Powers

Publisher: Ballantine

Pub year: 1954

Cover price: 35¢


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Book detail for Prelude to Space

Cover tagline

A novel of tomorrow's greatest adventure by today's most exciting author-scientist

Back cover text

For more than two thousand years men have dreamed of journeying into space. Today that dream is very close to reality — so near, in fact, that it may be achieved within our own lifetime.

In this extraordinary novel, Arthur C. Clarke, Chairman of the British Interplanetary Society and one of today's finest science-fiction writers, makes you an eyewitness of the future. To read this book is to know: this is the way the Age of Space will begin.

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Interior text

The challenge of space

It had taken twenty years of labor and planning. Now the "Prometheus" was ready for the men who would accompany it to the ultimate test — the voyage into space.

Victor Hassell
at twenty-eight had logged more time in rockets than any man alive. Few doubted that he would command the "Prometeus" — yet Hassell himself seemed strangely unsure.

Lewis Taine
from Mount Palomar Observatory was a specialist in astrogation. The success of the flight depended on his ability to guide the ship through the pathless darkness of outer space.

Dirk Alexson
had come merely to observe and record; yet, in a way he could not foresee, his own life hung on the fate of the "Prometheus."

Filled with the drama of men facing the danger of the unknown, overwhelmingly convincing in its scientific background, PRELUDE TO SPACE is one of the classics of realistic science fiction. Long out of print as a Galaxy Science Fiction Novel, it is now reissued with pride by Ballantine Books and Gnome Press.