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5 Unearthly Visions

Edited by Groff Conklin

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Fawcett Gold Medal

Pub year: 1965

Cover price: 50¢


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Book detail for 5 Unearthly Visions

Cover tagline

A resplendent galaxy of outstanding Science Fiction novelettes by
Eric Frank Russell
Walter M. Miller, JR.
Raymond Z. Gallun
Damon Knight
Clifford D. Simak

Back cover text

5 Unearthly Visions by five perceptive and prescient masters of the Science Fiction novelette.

Eric Frank Russell
imagines a policeman's problems in capturing an extraterrestrial bank robber who can change his shape at will.

Walter M. Miller, JR.
considers the population explosion and extrapolates a future in which artificial "babies" who never grow up are mass-produced in factories.

Raymond Z. Gallun
foresees the difficulties of establishing communications with a highly intelligent but utterly non-humanoid Martian baby.

Damon Knight
looks forward into a time when men and women can live forever and are driven by a furious hunger for ephemeral amusements.

Clifford D. Simak
explores the implications of an alien life form to which material things are of supreme unimportance.

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Interior text

5 Unearthly Visions

Five unique and penetrating glimpses beyond the fabric of the world as we know it now....

Five daring ventures of the creative imagination into possible worlds yet to come ... or worlds that may never come ... or worlds that may be flourishing right now on other planets ... in other galaxies ... in secret reaches of the human heart....

Five questing voyages of the human mind....

Five leaps in the dark....

Five haunting and exciting novellas by five of the greatest living writers of Science Fiction.