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Apollo at Go

by Jeff Sutton

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Popular Library

Pub year: 1963

Cover price: 50¢


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Cover tagline

Three men — human cargo on a giant spaceship hurtling toward the unknown

Back cover text

Suspense in Space...

They were hurtling over it, hurtling and dropping. He fought his harnessing to lean closer to the port....

There a small crater, here a hill, a crevice, a milky rectangle that looked absolutely smooth and rock hard — this was an inferno without fire, a hell, the architecture of a maddened nature. The House of Lucifer....

"Zero percent fuel," Kovac rapped out edgily.

"Max says zero on the fuel. Still going down. Trying to hold steady but can't. Ash looks deep, deep.... Rocks right next to us jagged and — Oh, there she goes ... main engines off. Small jets can't.... We're falling...."

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Interior text

Apollo at Go...

They had survived everything: the blast off, leaving earth's atmosphere, hurtling through empty space....

They had reached the moon's surface. They had seen what no men had ever seen before....

But the most difficult part of their ordeal still lay ahead — the return to earth....

And now, for the first time, something seems to have gone wrong — very wrong....