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Ellison Wonderland

by Harlan Ellison

Cover artist: Victor Kalin

Publisher: Paperback Library

Pub year: 1962

Cover price: 50¢


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Book detail for Ellison Wonderland

Cover tagline

Grimly humorous ventures into the somewhere world of science-fantasy, reported by Harlan Ellison, who has been there

Back cover text

Meet the Folks!

A beatnik Beelzebub in turtleneck and horns who magicked Max Hirt out of the hot seat and into a real cool Hell.

Member of a race of suicidal super-giants, visiting Earth for a moment on his way to eternity. A brief glimpse into his mind convinced several Earthlings to join him.

Just spread out the Night Shade under the bed. Don't let it wrinkle, and hubby is dead!

A jazzy little leprechaun in a pork-pie hat who couldn't "spell" too well.

How does Labbula's garden grow? With tentacled monsters all in a row!

These and other lovelies await you in Ellison Wonderland

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Interior text

Who lives in Ellison Wonderland?
A bright young man named Harlan Ellison, whose Gentleman Junkie and Memos from Purgatory rocked the public, and an odd lot of fearsome friends from the darkest corners of his mind.

What is Ellison Wonderland?
A weird, enchanted world of the grotesque, a playground of paradoxes where the hilarious meets the horrible and the human meets the...?

Where is Ellison Wonderland?
Way Out in the somewhere section of Nowhere, at the point in space and time where the beautiful crosses the bizarre.

How do you get to Ellison Wonderland?
You can board a certain commuter train (and discover your next-door neighbor in a space suit), or you can read this book.

Either way, you may never return.