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Possible Worlds of Science Fiction

Edited by Groff Conklin

Cover artist: Richard Powers

Publisher: Berkley

Pub year: 1960

Cover price: 35¢


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The Solar System and the Outer Stars

Here are ten spine-tingling stories by such masters of science-fiction as Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, A.E. Van Vogt, Murray Leinster and many others. Each story transports us away from earth to far world, both in the solar system and out into the galaxy itself.

Collected by Groff Conklin, one of the best known editors in the field, every one of these tales will bring you an imaginative adventure you will long remember.

“Should be in every science-fiction fan’s library. The stories in this collection contain samples of the best from top modern writers.”
—St. Louis Post Dispatch

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Interior text

Some Of The Best Science-Fiction Stories Of Recent Years

Included in this collection you will find:

Lilies Of Life — They grew in the swamps of Venus where the natives guarded their fearful secret.

Not Final! — The inhabitants of Jupiter had radioed to all human-kind: “Jovians are the masters. There is no room for vermin. We will destroy you immediately.”

Limiting Factor — They found a planet of smooth, burnished metal, dead and abandoned. Then they found a secret door into the planet’s interior.

The Helping Hand — In the far distant future, Earth is called upon to act as peace-maker between two warring peoples in the outer galaxy.

These and many more imaginative and compelling stories will hold you spellbound.