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Third from the Sun

by Richard Matheson

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Bantam

Pub year: 1955

Cover price: 25¢


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Book detail for Third from the Sun

Cover tagline

13 stories of the weird and fantastic from "Born of Man and Woman"

Stories of:
A lonesome Venus woman
The mother love of a vampire
A cynic's special hell
A time machine that works a conversion

...and much much more

Back cover text

In these stories:

Fugitives from an exploding Earth pioneer a new planet.

A creature is born, of man and woman, but his blood runs green.

Transported 2,000 years into the past, a Time-Traveler views the greatest news event that ever happened.

Another Time-Traveler is projected far into the future and nearly lynched for the strange, old-fashioned crime of eating.

A fresh and stimulating collection of science-fiction and fantasy stories by a writer with a gift for making the incredible seem possible.

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Interior text

"...scintillating collection ... a stimulating look at a genuine artist at work."
New York Times

This is science-fiction in the true meaning of the term — alight with the wit, wisdom and wonder of a truly creative imagination. Here are utterly believable characters, set against strange backgrounds of past and future worlds.

"...strikingly individual ... creative fiction."
New York Herald Tribune