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The Impossible World

by Eando Binder

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Curtis

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Cover price: 75¢


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Book detail for The Impossible World

Cover tagline

A science fiction adventure about the incredible theft of Pluto and Neptune's Moon ... a motorized satellite ... and an alien world in deadly conflict with Earth

Back cover text

When planets begin to disappear, Earth faces forces it did not know existed ... a moveable planet ... a planet that steals....

In 2050 A.D., the Earth spaceship TYCHO lands on Iapetus, the eighth moon of Saturn, nine hundred million miles from the sun. Hugh Benning, mineralogist, and his men explore the deserted world.

They come to a natural cave. The men begin to stagger and fall. Benning disappears into the mouth of the cave. The pilots gather up the limp forms and return them to Earth.

If they aren't dead and they aren't alive, perhaps they are in a state of suspended animation. Can they be revived to shed light on ... the menace of Iapetus?

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Interior text

Who is Lorg and what is Lorg's warp ... and what does the Space Scientist have to do with it all?

"The Space Scientist is the most mysterious figure living today," Shelton told Myra. "He's been out in space for twenty years in a spaceship with a complete laboratory in it. He's compiling data for a tremendous new concept of the Universe."

Only out of desperation did Shelton dare call him for information about Iapetus. The Space Scientist appeared on the screen, his entire head covered with a hood. Myra gasped.

"I have made a vow never to let Earth see my face again," he said harshly, confirming rumors of a lab accident that scared his face and embittered him.

"Sir, about Iapetus—" began Shelton.

"I don't care about Iapetus," the Space Scientist replied scornfully, "I have no concern with Earth's petty problems...."