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New Worlds of Fantasy

Edited by Terry Carr

Cover artist: Kelly Freas

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1967

Cover price: 75¢


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Cover tagline

Imagination goes wild in today's best tales of the strange, by: Roger Zelazny, John Brunner, J.G. Ballard, Thomas M. Disch, Avram Davidson and many more

Back cover text

Step Outside Your Mind...

...into worlds of wonder and magic, where alien creatures assume unsuspected forms, where Chaos impinges fatally on Reality, where time runs backward and Death is a beautiful young girl....

Here is a new experience in reading — fifteen stories of modern fantasy by today's finest writers, including several published for the first time in this country, and a new novelette by Avram Davidson appearing here for the first time anywhere.

This unique anthology will show you what's happening now in the fascinating new worlds of fantasy. Don't miss it!

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Interior text

Here are fifteen fascinating stories of imagination which have never before appeared in paperback:

John Brunner's story of a city hovering on the edge of time.

R.A. Lafferty's wry narrative about a valley that was only a few yards wide — until you tried to enter it.

Jorge Luis Borge's powerful evocation of the life of an immortal man.

Katherine Maclean's surprising tale of a strange being living in the mind of a little boy.

Ray Russell's story of a man with a talent so powerful it could destroy him.

Plus ten more tales of strangely altered realities ... unpredictable and engrossing. You'll love all of them.