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The Silkie

by A.E. Van Vogt

Cover artist: Jack Gaughan

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1969

Cover price: 60¢


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Book detail for The Silkie

Cover tagline

A brilliant, new novel of a science-created super-race. By the author of SLAN, THE UNIVERSE MAKER, etc.

Back cover text

How would you create a superman? That's the key to this startling new novel by the master original thinker of science-fiction, A.E. Van Vogt. For THE SILKIE was a being that could move through space, water, or on land with equal ease, could think like a computer, communicate etherically, and change form to suit changing circumstances.

But were the Silkies all that was claimed for them? Were they truly man's own creations as heirs and helpers — or were they "ringers" from some unknown outer-space world or some anti-humanity conspiracy?

The Silkies themselves did not know ... and that's what makes this action-packed utterly unusual novel great. It's Van Vogt's first new novel in many years.

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Interior text

A bullet-shaped living spaceship, impervious to intense cold and intense heat, undisturbed by cosmic radiation and impacting meteorites, and able to travel from world to world at astronautic speeds.

A handsome man (or woman) like any other human being, able to transmit and receive thoughts, with an intelligence higher than Einstein's, and yet an emotional flesh-and-blood human.

A fishlike being, able to breathe water and move through the oceans with the ease of a dolphin and the speed of a shark.

Superman? Super-thing? A Frankenstein construction? Computerized demon? Or cunning invader from outer space?

Friend of Earth — or this world's most dangerous foe? Let A.E. Van Vogt tell you the answers in his new novel, a classic of super-science fiction.