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by Alfred Bester

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Signet

Pub year: 1958

Cover price: 35¢


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A stellar collection of superb science fiction by the author of The Demolished Man

Back cover text

Time, Space and the Future

Here is your passport into the fascinating world of science fiction ... eleven dazzling, jet-propelled, rocket-paced tales of tomorrow by one of today's leading writers.


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Interior text

Bester at His Best

Strange and startling stories ... lightening-quick dialogue ... a crackling style that keeps the action moving almost faster than the story can be read — these are the trademarks of Alfred Bester, one of the most inventive authors in the field today.

Here, for the first time in book form, is a galaxy of Bester's outstanding stories, including:

Fondly Fahrenheit: a killer robot and his master flee from the planetary police...

Disappearing Act: a U.S. army hospital is faced with an insolvable problem — patients who disappear and reappear at will...

Of Time and Third Avenue: a 1950 man comes into possession of a 1990 almanac, and finds that in order to keep it he must match wits with a man from the future...

Oddy and Id: a charming but diabolical monster has the power to rule the world...

The Roller Coaster: a girl from the future has an affair with a twentieth-century man...

Adam and No Eve: he was the last man on earth, the sole survivor of a total, chain-reaction holocaust.