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Legend of Lost Earth

by G. McDonald Wallis

Cover artist: Richard Powers

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1963

Cover price: 40¢


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Cover tagline

Only traitors talk of Terra

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Part of an Ace Double: Alpha Centauri or Die!

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Interior text

The Conspiracy Against the Darkness

"'This is a picture of Tir na nOc ... or, if you prefer, and as some have called it, this is a map of Earth'

"Giles felt a sudden constriction in his chest as he heard the word. The word so long forgotten, in the word so nearly forbidden, the word that lived in him as it did in most of the citizens of Niflhel, in an obscure echo chamber of his being. Had he truly ever heard it before?"

Thus the long search begins on the black, ash-strewn planet of Niflhel for the green, life-giving planet of Earth. And Giles Chulainn is faced with a decision: to remain in safety on Niflehl, or to risk his life for a beautiful, impossible dream.