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by Clifford D. Simak

Cover artist: Edward Valigursky

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1952

Cover price: 35¢


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"A high-water mark in science-fiction writing."
— Anthony Boucher

"This strange and fascinating story of the future of Man, describes a tomorrow that is, for me, completely enthralling .

"Commencing with a simple picture of the end of Cities as a result of decentralization caused by the family helicopter and chemical gardening, it ends up with a series of parallel worlds, one of which is in possession of ants, another controlled by a very attractive dog civilization, and a third, consisting of the planet Jupiter, where the human race, wholly transformed into a new type of life, has abandoned humanity with all its faults.

"One has the pleasant feeling the CITY was written for the fun of it, not to uphold any theories, not to satirize anything.... This makes the book all the more delightful."
— Galaxy

Back in print by insistent demand, here is your chance to read this International Award winning science-fiction classic.

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A Great Science-Fiction Classic

Here is an utterly enthralling science-fiction novel that spans 10,000 years of future adventures, human hopes, and super-human achievements. The story of one family, the Websters — and also of the Webster dogs and robots — it is narrated in the form of eight long sequences, each showing a further and more wonderful development. Humanity moves from the culture of the super-city of the near future to the sprawling spaces of a robot-run society, and finally finds its Golden Age on the mighty planet Jupiter — leaving the Earth as the heritage of man's best friends.

A novel which won by acclaim the International Fantasy Award when first published, it has become a classic of science-fiction much sought after by readers — and now brought back to print in a new and complete Ace edition.