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The 1984 Annual World's Best SF

Edited by Donald A. Wollheim

Cover artist: Vincent Di Fate

Publisher: DAW

Pub year: 1984

Cover price: $2.95


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Cover tagline

Presenting the top ten stories of the year by: Robert Silverberg, Isaac Asimov, Frederik Pohl, Greg Bear, Tanith Lee and others

Back cover text


"The Annual World's Best SF is commendable, not only because this is the fallout from countless hours of sifting through the many magazines; but because Wollheim has been in the business since SF was a business. These stories represent the call of the cull, and only the finest, from all walks of publishing reality, from nearly every major magazine you can think of, are collected."
— Bifrost

"This is one of the most pleasant issues of the year, one that obviates the necessity for the casual SF reader to slog through hundreds of stories in dozens of journals. Here in one package are the best ten of the year. All in all, it's a small price to pay for a group of generally excellent stories, and one hopes that Wollheim continues his vigilant search through the pulps for many years to come."
— Kliatt

Treat yourself to the best, from the man who first put the words 'science fiction' on the cover of an anthology — you deserve no less!

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Interior text

Selecting the top tales from the reams of science fiction short stories, novelettes and novellas published last year is a time-consuming yet fascinating task. But as always when your editors are finished, there is a sense of surprise — because somehow each of the finalists is a gem that fits into place in the final collection quite rightly.

Here we have an unusual mixture of the old giants such as Silverberg, Asimov, Pohl, and the young giants such as Tanith Lee, Greg Bear, and the new bloods including Mary Gentle, Rand Lee, Don Sakers, and more.

So join us in this year of 1984 and see what Orwell overlooked!