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Galactic Patrol

by E.E. "Doc" Smith

Cover artist: John Schoenherr

Publisher: Pyramid

Pub year: 1964

Cover price: 50¢


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Book detail for Galactic Patrol

Cover tagline

Spacefleets and space pirates clash in cosmic combat

Back cover text

Terror from Space

The pirates of Boskone raided at will, menacing the whole structure of interstellar civilization. Masterminded by a super-scientist, their fleets outgunned even the mighty space cruisers of the Galactic Patrol.

When Kim Kinnison of the Patrol found the secret Boskonian base, it was impregnable to attack — from outside. One man might penetrate its defenses — if he wanted to take on million-to-one odds!

Kinnison took them — with the future of the civilized Universe riding on his shoulders!

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Interior text


The pirate cruiser locked onto its quarry, and a space-armored horde swarmed through the open ports — expecting to be met by their confederates on board the captured freighter.

But a blast of pure force met them — Kinnison and the Patrolmen were waiting, and in seconds the airlock was a shambles.

The surviving pirates broke and ran — but there was no place to hide...

Kinnison smiled grimly. This was only a pinprick to the power of the Boskonian pirates — but it would sting them enough so that the patrol and Kinnison himself could count on all the action they could handle — and soon!