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Frontiers In Space

Edited by Everett F. Bleiler and T.E. Dikty

Cover artist unknown

Publisher: Bantam

Pub year: 1955

Cover price: 25¢


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Cover tagline

Unforgettable stories from three great editions of The Best Science Fiction Stories

Back cover text

Science fiction has come of age

It has brought something fresh and vivid to imaginative writing.

It has opened new frontiers to the pioneer hero, given him new worlds to conquer and marvelous means to conquer them.

It has transcended the barriers of space and time thus to sharpen our perspective on man.

It has taken us into a world where science is really at work, and it has let us look at some extraordinary but always possible tomorrows.

Above all it has brought the beauty and wonder of the stars within touching distance.

The Best Science Fiction Stories edited by Bleiler and Dikty is an annual collection of the finest science-fiction stories of each year. Here is a selection from several annuals — the best of the best.

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Interior text

"This you can't miss."
— New York Herald Tribune

Here is a collection of outstanding stories created by the most imaginative writers of our day, selected from The Best Science Fiction Stories, the annual anthology which the St. Louis Post-Dispatch calls "the cream of Science Fiction."

"Gems set the standards in this collection..."
— New York Times