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Plague Ship

by Andre Norton

Cover artist: Edward Valigursky

Publisher: Ace

Pub year: 1964

Cover price: 40¢


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The Galaxy Had Ordered Their Destruction at Sight

Back cover text

Destroy That Spaceship!

Exotic gems and valuable oils were the lures that drew the space trader Solar Queen to the new planet Sargol — and also called forth their most ruthless competitor. The Solar Queen's men tried to play fair — even according to the sly rules of Sargol's feline people — but after takeoff the real assault began.

For the Solar Queen's most desperate hours were to come when the ship and its crew were branded pariahs of the stars — to be destroyed at sight. In the story of PLAGUE SHIP, Andre Norton, writing under the pen name of Andrew North, has produced a tense and terrific space adventure.

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